A California business and regulatory law boutique
For all inquiries: 916-254-0116 | mail-icon.jpg

Our Mission

Business Lawyering for Social Change

_wind_turbine_2.jpgGreenbridge Corporate Counsel was founded as a platform for making premium legal services accessible to start-ups and established companies working toward environmentally conscious and politically progressive goals. Greenbridge is a new kind of business law firm--a firm where business lawyers committed to addressing climate change, advancing human and civil rights and performing community service can feel good about the clients they serve and provide top flight legal services to visionary companies working toward the same goals.   

Supporting Cleantech and Addressing Climate Change  

Electric_car_refueling_Small_2.jpgWhile we have faith in humanity's ability to change behaviors that contribute to clImate change, we're optimistic that clean tech entrepreneurs and enterprises will find more timely answers--if given the opportunity. Greenbridge attorneys have extensive experience counseling renewable energy companies and interests.  Our goal is to ensure that promising cleantech visionaries have access to premium business counsel who can help them cross over to success.  

Unsustainable Government Policies Have Consequences

cannabis_leaves--hero_image_2.jpgAt Greenbridge we realize that it is difficult, if not impossible, for individual citizens and companies to take responsibility for addressing the ecological impacts of their activity when their own governments fail to show leadership, or worse, implement policies that inadvertently impose immense societal and environmental costs in the pursuit of regulating the behavior of those individual citizens and companies.  Cannabis prohibition is just one example of such a policy.   Not only does it prevent American farmers from cultivating non-psychoactive industrial hemp for biofuel (as farmers in China, Canada and the European Union are permitted to do), it also forces many cultivators of state-legal cannabis indoors, generating a huge and unnecessary carbon footprint for the industry as a result.  

Cannabis prohibition is immoral, but it's the law

hemp-seeds-heart-shaped-hands.jpgUnder the federal Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”), 21 U.S.C. §§ 801 – 971, all cultivation, distribution and sale of cannabis is federally prohibited.  This misguided law not only keeps medical cannabis away from patients in need (while keeping violent drug cartels thriving), but also keeps American farmers from cultivating industrial hemp, compounding already grave civil and human rights injustices with ecological opportunity cost and competitive harms. Unfortunately, however, if you choose to violate the federal law, there can be consequences.  Being a good corporate citizen and complying with the law in all other respects can help mitigate the risks of your undertaking.

Civil Disobedience is your right, and we honor that

Hands_holding_medical_cannabis_plant_2.jpgWhile we never have, and never will, counsel anyone to violate any federal, state, or local law, Greenbridge Corporate Counsel will not turn away clients solely because they make an informed and conscientious choice to engage in civil disobedience of federal laws prohibiting cannabis in order to grow non-psychoactive industrial hemp or provide cannabis for medical or adult-use.  Our Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Practice offers our clients business counsel to facilitate economic activity that furthers our collective civil rights, because being a cannabis activist doesn't mean you have to be an outlaw.

Cannabis and American Grown Hemp

Detail_of_Medical_Cannabis_label_small_2.jpgGreenbridge counsels social entrepreneurs risking their own security to engage in daily civil disobedience of laws prohibiting the distribution of medical cannabis to patients in need, adults over the age of 21, or the cultivation of industrial hemp for environmentally sustainable biofuels and other products.  We believe that those who engage in such civil disobedience have the same right to competent business counsel as others take for granted.  We offer advice to those who refuse to obey unjust laws, in a manner that ensures compliance with (1) state laws legalizing access to cannabis and/or the cultivation of industrial hemp and (2) all other federal, state, and local laws and regulations generally applicable to businesses. 

A New Green Economy is flourishing, in spite of Prohibition

Eco-fuel.jpgWe also believe that the fight against prohibition is a multifront battle that includes highlighting the ecological and economic advantages of the new green economy.  As acknowledged by a growing chorus of international non-governmental organizations, political leaders, law enforcement officials, social justice activists and the public at large, the prohibition of cannabis is a failed and misguided policy resulting in disastrous consequences for human and civil rights, and opportunities lost in the fight against climate change.  Dismantling cannabis prohibition not only halts the abuse of our liberties and provides American farmers with new markets, it also unleashes the full potential of ancillary businesses within the broader cannabis industry--businesses such as agricultural supply, product safety and lab testing, insurance, software, human resources, publishing and media companies, to name just a few.  

A sustainable, responsible and professional cannabis industry

Vertical_Hemp_field_3.jpgWe are at a tipping point on the national debate over cannabis.  Along with the real potential for new jobs and tax revenue generated by the industrial hemp and legal cannabis industries alone, ancillary businesses help make the economic case for dismantling prohibition. Greenbridge is committed to deploying its business law expertise to help the most respected, accomplished and visionary professionals in the cannabis and industrial hemp industries build a sustainable, responsible, and professional cannabis industry that can successfully advocate for change.